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ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARINGFour times a year Rose Run Presbyterian in partnership with Presbyterian Church-USA takes a special offering in addition to our regular offering supporting RRPC.
Thank you to our members who participated in this special offering on Easter. RRPC raised $748 to help the Presbyterian Church (USA) provide relief for those affected by natural disasters, to provide food for the hungry, and to empower the poor and oppressed. To learn more about where the money is used click here: http://specialofferings.pcusa.org/oghs.html |
Lucky Recipe! RRPC won the Souper Supper contest
Real winner is the New Albany Food Pantry
Thanks to Nancy Ferguson and a very large contingent of Rose Run Presbyterian Church members, our soup - Rose Run Presbyterian Potato Soup - won the Souper Supper Soup contest and we will have our church name inscribed on the plaque in the Heit Center! The Food pantry netted over $1500